Албена Данаилова
ALBENA DANAILOVA was born in Sofia in the family of violinist Boyan Danailov and pianist Violeta Popova. A graduate of the Lyubomir Pipkov National School of Music and the Professor Pancho Vladigerov National Academy of Music in Sofia in the classes of Nely Jeleva and Prof. Dora Ivanova . Prize winner at the competitions Svetosav Obretenov, Young Music Talents, Kocian and Concertino Prague, Kloster Schontal Germany, Tibor Varga Switzerland, Vittorio Gui Italy. In 2001, she graduated from the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Rostock, Germany with Prof. Petru Munteanu continuing her training at the masterclasses of Ida Haendel and Herman Krebbers, among others. The same year she received an engagement as second violinist in the Bavarian State Orchestra, advancing in 2003 to section leader of the first violins and in 2006 to first concertmaster. During the 2003/2004 season Danailova also played as a member of the London Philharmonic Orchestra. Albena Danailova is the first woman to become the concertmaster of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, a famously conservative institution. She applied and won the post after a hard competition in 2008, and after a two-year trial period, she was officially appointed to the prestigious position. An indisputable talent and exceptional professional, in addition to being a concertmaster Albena Danailova has a successful career as a soloist and chamber musician. She performs on a regular basis in Bulgaria, Germany, Israel and the USA. Danailova has recordings made for the German radio Kultur, the North-German Radio, the Bulgarian National Radio and the Bulgarian National Television. Since 2011, she has been the leader of Ensemble Wien (succeeding Paul Guggenberger and Rainer Honeck). As of 2019, Danailova is a violin professor at the Vienna State University.