По цели 73 години од своето постоење, Филхармонија на РСМ конечно доби свој дом. Нов музички храм кој ќе почне да испишува и нова историја на најстарата национална музичка институција во земјава. Сместена помеѓу Државното музичко-балетско училиште „Илија Николовски-Луј“ и Македонската опера и балет, современата концертна сала изградена по светските стандарди за тоа како треба да изгледа и да функционира простор наменет за симфониски оркестар, е мелем за очите. Нејзиното издигнување значеше и заокружување на толку неопходната музичка и воопшто уметничка димензија на градот. Филхармонија на РСМ е првиот и единствен симфониски оркестар во Република Северна Македонија, а со тоа и единствен постојан репрезент на симфониското творештво на македонската музичка сцена. Инвентивниот и креативен репертоар е во баланс со традиционалните музички вредности и токму тоа ја привлекува публиката, особено новите генерации на слушатели. Оркестарот е формиран на 24 ноември во 1944 година, по завршувањето на Втората светска војна и само 11 дена по ослободувањето на Скопје.


На ул. „Крушовска“ бр. 27, во домот на композиторот Тодор Скаловски, еден од стожерите на македонската музичка култура, се одржал првиот состанок на група музичари со цел да формираат симфониски оркестар, да го формираат првиот Државен оркестар, да ги стават темелите на една голема културна институција, прва од таков вид во ослободена Македонија. Создавањето на Филхармонија во едно такво време-невреме, е всушност револуција во духовната смисла на зборот. Револуција што ќе ја направат само неколкумина уметници кои наместо пушки, во рацете ќе држат музички инструменти со кои ќе „пукаат“ со чудесните звуци на најубавата уметност – музиката, погодувајќи ги нивните следбеници директно во срцето.



Од тие скромни почетоци, па се до денес, во повеќе од седумдецениското постоење, Филхармонија остварила незаборавни концертни мигови исполнувајќи широк репертоар од светската класична музичка литература, како и светски премиери од современи автори, оживувајќи ги со особена гордост и делата на македонските музички творци. За време на неговото постоење, овој оркестар повеќе пати бил преименуван и приклучуван кон други институции (Национална опера и балет и Македонско радио), за во 1960 година конечно да се конституира како самостојна музичка институција. По катастрофалниот земјотрес во Скопје во 1963 година, Филхармонија под раководство на светски афирмираниот диригент Игор Маркевич, остварува европска турнеја која е од исклучително значење за солидарноста што му беше укажана на настраданиот град од страна на народите ширум Европа и светот.




Со текот на годините, Филхармонија на РСМ прерасна во еден од главните носители на музичкиот живот во земјата и амбасадор на македонската уметност во светот. Покрај редовните концертни настапи на домашната сцена, симфонискиот оркестар има остварено гостувања ширум светот достојно презентирајќи го звучното наследство на својата земја. Зад диригентскиот пулт, со оркестарот на Македонската филхармонија застанале врвни диригентски имиња, меѓу кои и основачите Тодор Скаловски и Трајко Прокопиев, потоа маестрата Ловро фон Матачиќ, Ванчо Чавдарски, Фимчо Муратовски, Ангел Шурев, Карло Цеки, Нееме Јарви, Игор Маркевич, Оскар Данон, Душан Сковран, Александар Лековски, Перо Петровски, Томислав Шопов, Ѓура Јакшиќ, Младен Јагушт, Вероника Дударова, Емин Хачатуријан…, а во поново време и Саша Николовски-Ѓумар, Борјан Цанев, Тадеуш Козловски, Дорон Саломон, Јуриј Темирканов, Вјачеслав Блинов, Павле Дешпаљ, Ермир Крантја, Рамиз Мелик Асланов, Антон Нанут, Јануш Пшибилски, Стефан Лано, Урош Лајовиц, Емил Табаков, Леонид Николаев, Тимоти Редмонд, Еван Крист, Кшиштоф Пендерецки, Хишам Габр, Мартин Пантелеев, Пол Вајголд, Пол Меккриш, Дмитри Лис, Михал Нестерович, Кејс Скалионе, Јерухам Шаровски, Даниел Рајскин…


На подиумот како солисти пак, гостувале реномирани вокални и инструментилни уметници, меѓу нив и Алдо Чиколини, Халина Черни-Стефанска, Хенрих Шеринг, Леонид Коган, Андре Навара, Хозе Карерас, Цимон Барто, Дејвид Герет, Иља Гринголц, Торлеф Тедеен, Александар Мелников, Јосиф Иванов, Валериј Соколов, Изабел Фауст, Ан Халенберг, Емануел Пају, Даниел Милер-Шот, Борис Березовски, Акико Суванаи, Сергеј Крилов, Нинг Фенг, Ејми Диксон, Иштван Вардаи, Мидори Гото, Алексеј Володин, Евгениј Корољов, Сајака Шоџи, Симон Трпчески, Ана Дурловски, Благој Нацоски, Ѓорѓи Димчевски, Дино Имери… Во последните години, Филхармонија изгради свој специфичен имиџ по кој стана препознатлива како институција не само во рамките на својата земја, туку и многу пошироко, во регионот и во Европа.


Програмската политика на оваа институција создаде нова форма на изразување за да ги задоволи вкусовите на различните профили на слушатели. Инвентивните програми со кои се прошири жанровската и естетската рамка ги зголемија и можностите на оркестарот, а особено шармантни се едукативните симфониски концерти наменети за најмладите кои на современ начин имаат за цел да создаваат нови вљубеници во класичната музика. Филхармонија, и со креативните дизајни на печатените материјали и специфичните маркетинг решенија, продолжува да го следи она што е мејнстрим и во Европа и во светот и да биде во ист чекор со новите струења во сферата на класичната и не само на класичната музичка уметност.






http://www.yeruhamscharovsky.com Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Yeruham Scharovsky received his early musical education studying flute, double bass, composition and conducting with teachers from the Buenos Aires National Conservatory of Music and Teatro Colon Opera House. During the early 70’s he immigrated to Israel where he graduated from the Rubin Academy of Music in Jerusalem, under the baton of Professor Mendi Rodan. In 1990 Yeruham Scharovsky was chosen by Maestro Zubin Mehta to receive the Israeli “Young Artist of the Year Award” -Francoise Schapira- award. Consequently, he was given the privilege of conducting the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra in a gala concert, as well as conducting all major orchestras in Israel. In November 1991 Maestro Scharovsky was invited for a concert tour in the former USSR, conducting the Moscow Philharmonic, the Riga Philharmonic and the Yaroslavl Philharmonic Orchestras as the first Israeli conductor ever to do so. From 1991 to 1996, he was the Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the “Ra’anana Symphonette Orchestra” in Israel. Under his baton the orchestra became one of the Israel’s most popular symphonic ensembles, performing hundreds of subscriptions concerts both for adults and for youth, performing for many radio and television recordings, and going on three concert tours in France and Germany. From 1998 to 2004, Maestro Scharovsky was the Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra of Rio de Janeiro. During this period, the orchestra increased its number of subscribers and its concert series significantly, made tours in Brazil and the USA and recorded 4 CDs including repertoires by Rimsky Korsakov, Beethoven and Brazilian composers Carlos Gomes and Guerra Peixe.  During the first year of his administration, Maestro Scharovsky founded the Young Brazilian Symphony Orchestra, comprised of approximately 100 of the most talented young Brazilian musicians and quickly became recognized as one of the Brazil’s outstanding ensembles. In 2002, Maestro Yeruham Scharovsky was declared by the city council “Honorary Citizen of Rio de Janeiro”, for his artistic and social contribution to the city. In September 2001 Yeruham Scharovsky led the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra in a concerts tour in the USA including a concert in the New York’s Central Park in front of an audience of 50,000 people and a concert in the Lincoln Center, both concerts to unanimous enthusiastic reviews. At this time, he founded the NTB Nelson Freire (“New Talents from Brazil” competition) serving as Jury President together with pianist Nelson Freire. During his career,  he has conducted more than 50 well known orchestras in over 20 different countries; the Israel Philharmonic, Berliner Symphoniker, Moscow Philharmonic, Finnish National Opera, St. Petersburg Philharmonic, Israel New Opera, Riga Philharmonic, Marseille Philharmonic, Cannes Chamber, Avignon Symphony, Budapest Dohnányi Symphony, Roma Symphony, San Remo Symphony, Macedonia Philharmonic, Jerusalem Symphony, Poznan Philharmonic, Fort Wayne Philharmonic, Quebec Philharmonic,  Valladolid Symphony,  Teatro Colon of Buenos Aires Philharmonic and Opera, Santiago de Chile National Symphony, Colombia Philharmonic and National Symphony, Sao Paulo Teatro Municipal Symphony and  Brazilian Symphony Orchestra of Rio de Janeiro, among others. In 1985 he conducted the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra-Broadcasting Authority for the first time. Since then, he has frequently conducted this orchestra frequently in concerts and recording sessions, including two successful South America concerts tours, in June 1998 and in August 2010 in some of the most important cities of Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. In April 2000, he has shared a series of concerts with Maestro Lorin Maazel, conducting in the ‘Munich  Philharmonic Hall” in Germany, and the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra together with the Bavarian Radio Orchestra in concerts dedicated to the City of Jerusalem.  Maestro Scharovsky was also appointed by Maestro Maazel to be a member of the Jury of the "Maazel International Conductors Competition" held in 2002. His lyrical career includes concerts with the Finnish National Opera, the Opera of Avignon, the New Israeli Opera and the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra, conducting:  Nabucco, La Traviata, Il Trovatore, Otello, Rigoletto, La Forza del Destino, Macbeth and Aida by Verdi; Il Barbiero di Siviglia, L'italiana in Algeri and La Cenerentola by Rossini; Don Giovanni, Les Noces de Figaro and Cosi Fan Tutte by Mozart; Carmen and The Pearl Fishers by Bizet; Romeo and Juliet and Faust by Gounod; Don Pasquale by Donizetti; Cavalleria Rusticana by Mascagni; Il Pagliacci by Leoncavallo; Werther by Massenet and Porgy and Bess by Gershwin. He has recently conducted three “Prestige Lyrical Concerts” with the soloists Stephanie d’Oustrac’ Nathalie Manfrino and Veronique Gens at the Opera of Avignon. Maestro Scharovsky was also chosen to conduct the opening concert of the new “Performing Arts Center” in Tel-Aviv, as well as one of its first productions: “Nabucco” by Verdi, with the participation of singers such as Ghena Dimitrova, Leo Nucci, Feruccio Furlanetto and Pahta Burdchalaze. In October 2010 he conducted a concerts tour in South Korea with the Avignon-Provence Symphony Orchestra. In parallel with his artistic career, for the last 25 years Maestro Scharovsky he developed a long and successful career in the field of education, giving orchestral conducting  master classes worldwide, in places such as the Kfar Saba Conservatory in Kfar Saba, Israel;  “Unirio” University in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Universidad Javeriana and Universidad Andina in Bogota, Colombia;  at the Lubeck Conservatory in Lubeck, Germany; at the Rome Arts Academy in Rome, Italy; at the Badajoz Conservatory in Badajoz, Spain; and at the Liszt Music Academy in Budapest, Hungary), and serving as General Director of the Mate Asher Conservatory of Music from 1985 to 1990, General Director of the Conservatory of Music and Ballet and Music Foundation of Kfar  Saba from 1990 to 2011 and as General Director of the New Conservatory of Music in Hod Hasharon, since 2011, and conducting about 60 productions of a TV program named “Musi-Kef”.





http://www.yeruhamscharovsky.com Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Yeruham Scharovsky received his early musical education studying flute, double bass, composition and conducting with teachers from the Buenos Aires National Conservatory of Music and Teatro Colon Opera House. During the early 70’s he immigrated to Israel where he graduated from the Rubin Academy of Music in Jerusalem, under the baton of Professor Mendi Rodan. In 1990 Yeruham Scharovsky was chosen by Maestro Zubin Mehta to receive the Israeli “Young Artist of the Year Award” -Francoise Schapira- award. Consequently, he was given the privilege of conducting the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra in a gala concert, as well as conducting all major orchestras in Israel. In November 1991 Maestro Scharovsky was invited for a concert tour in the former USSR, conducting the Moscow Philharmonic, the Riga Philharmonic and the Yaroslavl Philharmonic Orchestras as the first Israeli conductor ever to do so. From 1991 to 1996, he was the Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the “Ra’anana Symphonette Orchestra” in Israel. Under his baton the orchestra became one of the Israel’s most popular symphonic ensembles, performing hundreds of subscriptions concerts both for adults and for youth, performing for many radio and television recordings, and going on three concert tours in France and Germany. From 1998 to 2004, Maestro Scharovsky was the Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra of Rio de Janeiro. During this period, the orchestra increased its number of subscribers and its concert series significantly, made tours in Brazil and the USA and recorded 4 CDs including repertoires by Rimsky Korsakov, Beethoven and Brazilian composers Carlos Gomes and Guerra Peixe.  During the first year of his administration, Maestro Scharovsky founded the Young Brazilian Symphony Orchestra, comprised of approximately 100 of the most talented young Brazilian musicians and quickly became recognized as one of the Brazil’s outstanding ensembles. In 2002, Maestro Yeruham Scharovsky was declared by the city council “Honorary Citizen of Rio de Janeiro”, for his artistic and social contribution to the city. In September 2001 Yeruham Scharovsky led the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra in a concerts tour in the USA including a concert in the New York’s Central Park in front of an audience of 50,000 people and a concert in the Lincoln Center, both concerts to unanimous enthusiastic reviews. At this time, he founded the NTB Nelson Freire (“New Talents from Brazil” competition) serving as Jury President together with pianist Nelson Freire. During his career,  he has conducted more than 50 well known orchestras in over 20 different countries; the Israel Philharmonic, Berliner Symphoniker, Moscow Philharmonic, Finnish National Opera, St. Petersburg Philharmonic, Israel New Opera, Riga Philharmonic, Marseille Philharmonic, Cannes Chamber, Avignon Symphony, Budapest Dohnányi Symphony, Roma Symphony, San Remo Symphony, Macedonia Philharmonic, Jerusalem Symphony, Poznan Philharmonic, Fort Wayne Philharmonic, Quebec Philharmonic,  Valladolid Symphony,  Teatro Colon of Buenos Aires Philharmonic and Opera, Santiago de Chile National Symphony, Colombia Philharmonic and National Symphony, Sao Paulo Teatro Municipal Symphony and  Brazilian Symphony Orchestra of Rio de Janeiro, among others. In 1985 he conducted the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra-Broadcasting Authority for the first time. Since then, he has frequently conducted this orchestra frequently in concerts and recording sessions, including two successful South America concerts tours, in June 1998 and in August 2010 in some of the most important cities of Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. In April 2000, he has shared a series of concerts with Maestro Lorin Maazel, conducting in the ‘Munich  Philharmonic Hall” in Germany, and the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra together with the Bavarian Radio Orchestra in concerts dedicated to the City of Jerusalem.  Maestro Scharovsky was also appointed by Maestro Maazel to be a member of the Jury of the "Maazel International Conductors Competition" held in 2002. His lyrical career includes concerts with the Finnish National Opera, the Opera of Avignon, the New Israeli Opera and the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra, conducting:  Nabucco, La Traviata, Il Trovatore, Otello, Rigoletto, La Forza del Destino, Macbeth and Aida by Verdi; Il Barbiero di Siviglia, L'italiana in Algeri and La Cenerentola by Rossini; Don Giovanni, Les Noces de Figaro and Cosi Fan Tutte by Mozart; Carmen and The Pearl Fishers by Bizet; Romeo and Juliet and Faust by Gounod; Don Pasquale by Donizetti; Cavalleria Rusticana by Mascagni; Il Pagliacci by Leoncavallo; Werther by Massenet and Porgy and Bess by Gershwin. He has recently conducted three “Prestige Lyrical Concerts” with the soloists Stephanie d’Oustrac’ Nathalie Manfrino and Veronique Gens at the Opera of Avignon. Maestro Scharovsky was also chosen to conduct the opening concert of the new “Performing Arts Center” in Tel-Aviv, as well as one of its first productions: “Nabucco” by Verdi, with the participation of singers such as Ghena Dimitrova, Leo Nucci, Feruccio Furlanetto and Pahta Burdchalaze. In October 2010 he conducted a concerts tour in South Korea with the Avignon-Provence Symphony Orchestra. In parallel with his artistic career, for the last 25 years Maestro Scharovsky he developed a long and successful career in the field of education, giving orchestral conducting  master classes worldwide, in places such as the Kfar Saba Conservatory in Kfar Saba, Israel;  “Unirio” University in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Universidad Javeriana and Universidad Andina in Bogota, Colombia;  at the Lubeck Conservatory in Lubeck, Germany; at the Rome Arts Academy in Rome, Italy; at the Badajoz Conservatory in Badajoz, Spain; and at the Liszt Music Academy in Budapest, Hungary), and serving as General Director of the Mate Asher Conservatory of Music from 1985 to 1990, General Director of the Conservatory of Music and Ballet and Music Foundation of Kfar  Saba from 1990 to 2011 and as General Director of the New Conservatory of Music in Hod Hasharon, since 2011, and conducting about 60 productions of a TV program named “Musi-Kef”.




http://www.yeruhamscharovsky.com Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Yeruham Scharovsky received his early musical education studying flute, double bass, composition and conducting with teachers from the Buenos Aires National Conservatory of Music and Teatro Colon Opera House. During the early 70’s he immigrated to Israel where he graduated from the Rubin Academy of Music in Jerusalem, under the baton of Professor Mendi Rodan. In 1990 Yeruham Scharovsky was chosen by Maestro Zubin Mehta to receive the Israeli “Young Artist of the Year Award” -Francoise Schapira- award. Consequently, he was given the privilege of conducting the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra in a gala concert, as well as conducting all major orchestras in Israel. In November 1991 Maestro Scharovsky was invited for a concert tour in the former USSR, conducting the Moscow Philharmonic, the Riga Philharmonic and the Yaroslavl Philharmonic Orchestras as the first Israeli conductor ever to do so. From 1991 to 1996, he was the Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the “Ra’anana Symphonette Orchestra” in Israel. Under his baton the orchestra became one of the Israel’s most popular symphonic ensembles, performing hundreds of subscriptions concerts both for adults and for youth, performing for many radio and television recordings, and going on three concert tours in France and Germany. From 1998 to 2004, Maestro Scharovsky was the Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra of Rio de Janeiro. During this period, the orchestra increased its number of subscribers and its concert series significantly, made tours in Brazil and the USA and recorded 4 CDs including repertoires by Rimsky Korsakov, Beethoven and Brazilian composers Carlos Gomes and Guerra Peixe.  During the first year of his administration, Maestro Scharovsky founded the Young Brazilian Symphony Orchestra, comprised of approximately 100 of the most talented young Brazilian musicians and quickly became recognized as one of the Brazil’s outstanding ensembles. In 2002, Maestro Yeruham Scharovsky was declared by the city council “Honorary Citizen of Rio de Janeiro”, for his artistic and social contribution to the city. In September 2001 Yeruham Scharovsky led the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra in a concerts tour in the USA including a concert in the New York’s Central Park in front of an audience of 50,000 people and a concert in the Lincoln Center, both concerts to unanimous enthusiastic reviews. At this time, he founded the NTB Nelson Freire (“New Talents from Brazil” competition) serving as Jury President together with pianist Nelson Freire. During his career,  he has conducted more than 50 well known orchestras in over 20 different countries; the Israel Philharmonic, Berliner Symphoniker, Moscow Philharmonic, Finnish National Opera, St. Petersburg Philharmonic, Israel New Opera, Riga Philharmonic, Marseille Philharmonic, Cannes Chamber, Avignon Symphony, Budapest Dohnányi Symphony, Roma Symphony, San Remo Symphony, Macedonia Philharmonic, Jerusalem Symphony, Poznan Philharmonic, Fort Wayne Philharmonic, Quebec Philharmonic,  Valladolid Symphony,  Teatro Colon of Buenos Aires Philharmonic and Opera, Santiago de Chile National Symphony, Colombia Philharmonic and National Symphony, Sao Paulo Teatro Municipal Symphony and  Brazilian Symphony Orchestra of Rio de Janeiro, among others. In 1985 he conducted the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra-Broadcasting Authority for the first time. Since then, he has frequently conducted this orchestra frequently in concerts and recording sessions, including two successful South America concerts tours, in June 1998 and in August 2010 in some of the most important cities of Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. In April 2000, he has shared a series of concerts with Maestro Lorin Maazel, conducting in the ‘Munich  Philharmonic Hall” in Germany, and the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra together with the Bavarian Radio Orchestra in concerts dedicated to the City of Jerusalem.  Maestro Scharovsky was also appointed by Maestro Maazel to be a member of the Jury of the "Maazel International Conductors Competition" held in 2002. His lyrical career includes concerts with the Finnish National Opera, the Opera of Avignon, the New Israeli Opera and the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra, conducting:  Nabucco, La Traviata, Il Trovatore, Otello, Rigoletto, La Forza del Destino, Macbeth and Aida by Verdi; Il Barbiero di Siviglia, L'italiana in Algeri and La Cenerentola by Rossini; Don Giovanni, Les Noces de Figaro and Cosi Fan Tutte by Mozart; Carmen and The Pearl Fishers by Bizet; Romeo and Juliet and Faust by Gounod; Don Pasquale by Donizetti; Cavalleria Rusticana by Mascagni; Il Pagliacci by Leoncavallo; Werther by Massenet and Porgy and Bess by Gershwin. He has recently conducted three “Prestige Lyrical Concerts” with the soloists Stephanie d’Oustrac’ Nathalie Manfrino and Veronique Gens at the Opera of Avignon. Maestro Scharovsky was also chosen to conduct the opening concert of the new “Performing Arts Center” in Tel-Aviv, as well as one of its first productions: “Nabucco” by Verdi, with the participation of singers such as Ghena Dimitrova, Leo Nucci, Feruccio Furlanetto and Pahta Burdchalaze. In October 2010 he conducted a concerts tour in South Korea with the Avignon-Provence Symphony Orchestra. In parallel with his artistic career, for the last 25 years Maestro Scharovsky he developed a long and successful career in the field of education, giving orchestral conducting  master classes worldwide, in places such as the Kfar Saba Conservatory in Kfar Saba, Israel;  “Unirio” University in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Universidad Javeriana and Universidad Andina in Bogota, Colombia;  at the Lubeck Conservatory in Lubeck, Germany; at the Rome Arts Academy in Rome, Italy; at the Badajoz Conservatory in Badajoz, Spain; and at the Liszt Music Academy in Budapest, Hungary), and serving as General Director of the Mate Asher Conservatory of Music from 1985 to 1990, General Director of the Conservatory of Music and Ballet and Music Foundation of Kfar  Saba from 1990 to 2011 and as General Director of the New Conservatory of Music in Hod Hasharon, since 2011, and conducting about 60 productions of a TV program named “Musi-Kef”.

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