Tatijana Petrusevska-Karaskakovska
Her musical education started with piano.Later she studied oboe with prof.Vasil Atanasov at MBUC “Ilija Nikolovski-Luj” and graduated in 1993 year at the Musical Academy in Skopje with prof.Kiro Davidovski.During her education she won I Republic award in Skopje and then II State award in Ljubljana on Federal competition 1988.Two years later in 1990 she specialize in Belgrade with prof.Ljubisha Petrushevski. In 2015, she enrolled in Masters Degree on the Faculty of Music in Skopje ,with Prof. Gordana Josifova Nedelkovska, with the highest rating. As a student she played with several chamber ansambles(she is a founder of chamber studio “BACHUS” and also of a woodwind quintet “ART”), part-time works in the Macedonian Philharmonic and the Opera. She has worked with established pianists such as Jasna Avramovska, Jasminka Chakar , and at the moment with a permanent pianist, Petar Makarievski, has recorded remarkable concerts, which always have a premiere and exceptional virtuosic performances. As an artist who always searches for new and interesting programs, starting cooperation with OPERA TRIO (oboe, clarinet, bassoon), Trio oboe, bassoon and piano, cooperation with Ensemble for Contemporary Music SONORIS, Woodwind Quintet at MOB. In addition to the concerts, she also make an audio and video recordings for MRTV. In 2010 she published her own independent CD, and in 2018, published a CD with OPERA TRIO titled” The Sound of the Reeds”. Also her performances are placed on other sound carriers, as a soloist and within various ensembles. During her professional engagement, and with great pleasure, she actively cooperates with students and college oboe students . She also works in Niš Symphony Orchestra, Orchestras of the Opera of HNK Ivan Plemeniti Zajc in Rijeka and HNK Split. Some of the performances: recital events in the Salon 19,19, Skopje Summer, Shtip, Kumanovo, Bit Fest, soloist and member of the Chamber Orchestra of MRTV on the Days of Macedonian Music, Ohrid Summer Festival, soloist with Orkestar of Mandolins with Ramadan Shukri, Macedonian Philharmonic, Kiev Summer Nights, NIMUS-Nish ,Kosova Fest-Prishtina,NOMUS –Novi Sad,Rijeka Summer Nights, Split Summer Festival. She has performed in Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Greece, Ukraine, Croatia,Slovenia,France,Germany. Her repertoire includes works by:J.S Bach,C.Ph.E. Bach, Vivaldi,.Telemann, Mozart, Haydn, Schumann, Saent - Saens, Poulenc, Kaliwoda, Daelli, Zelenka, Britten etc. She is currently work in the Macedonian Opera and Ballet Orchestra as a I oboe, and she cooperates with the Macedonian Philharmonic.